I am a highly-skilled Front End developer with basic UI design skills. Passionate about solving user's problems through seamless experiences and I find happiness in learning better ways to achieve that. I see myself as a receptor of knowledge with a dream to improve my stack and becoming a better developer and person .

2019 (Aug-Sept)

Ejoya Music

Front-end Developer Intern

I became more accostumed to the react framework here, also started using SCSS which is like a CSS on steroids. I also had my feel of development at a production level by contributing my quota to the devlopment of Ejoya Music Website and Admin Platform.

2019 (Mar-Aug)

Stutern Graduate Accelerator

Front-end Developer Trainee

I officialy started my Journey as a Front-end Developer at Stutern, learning Basic HTML and CSS and growing to JavaScript with Frameworks like React. I also improved on my soft skills and learnt how to work in a team. I also learnt how to work with API's and also becoming a better developer and a person.